Amy Coney Barrett, a 48 year old Professor of Law, a lawyer, a judge, mother of 7, two of whom are black underprivileged children she and her husband selflessly adopted from Haiti and a devout Catholic to boot has been ruthlessly cross examined before being appointed a judge on the Supreme Court.
One question, asked with a straight face is - if she denounces white supremacy? [If it were me I would have said with a straight face "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! KKK - ALL THE WAY! I burn crosses on black people's lawns every Sunday. I serve my black children last and make sure they sit in the back of the family van when we travel. My husband and I wanted to adopt specifically black children so we could prefer our white biological children and thereby assert white supremacy. I would have slaves if it were legal. As a Supreme Court Justice I will rule in favor of all putative slave owners"].
Another: Have you sexually assaulted anyone? [She should have refused to answer and said "Have you?"]
There should be a law that if someone in government publicly asks a question beyond the realm of dumb - and it is also insulting - then there should be some consequences. Like, you have to publicly start mooing like a cow or barking like a dog.
But they HAVE to hate her - b/c Trump nominated her. And they hate him so she is guilty by association. Hatred makes one crazzzzyyyy.
Plus, as a Catholic, she is against crushing babies to death in their mother's womb. That is an UNFORGIVABLE belief for the left.
I find it quite ironic that she, a Catholic woman, has a value system much much closer to that of Torah Jews than the woman she is replacing - a Jewess bas Jewess bas bito shel Jewess who was a proponent of abortion, same sex marriage and probably on most issues had a leftist, anti-Torah viewpoint.
I hope she gets the job!!! Good for America and good for Hashem!