Thursday, October 15, 2020

Get The "Arei Miklat" Ready

 The Torah takes killing VERY seriously - even if done unwittingly. 

Nobody caught Corona from inside his or her body or from aliens from outer space. Corona is always transmitted by another human being [except the first guy who somehow got it from a bat - if that is really what happened]. 

Thousands of Jews have died, many religious. Religious Jews live in clusters which means that in all likelihood most were infected by other religious Jews. 

So there are a lot of FRUM רוצחים בשוגג walking around. We don't know who they are but Hashem does - and that is what matters. 

Who killed Rav Yaakov Perlov, the Novominsker Rebbe? Who killed the Pittsburgher Rebbe of Ashdod? Who killed my beloved fourth grade Rebbi, Rabbi Heber? Who killed the former Chief Rabbi, Rav Bakshi Doron? Who killed ..... each and every victim. 

Remember - it is ultimately in Hashem's Hands but PEOPLE were responsible for their deaths.

When Moshiach comes, the ערי מקלט will likely be filled with GOOD PEOPLE who will find out that they were murderers [if their sin is revealed].