Today a neighbor explained to me that he doesn't believe in masks or anything else. There is no evidence, he claimed, that following any guidelines helps in any way to prevent the spread of the virus. So he doesn't follow them and continues living as if nothing is happening.
I ask: מהיכי תיתי??? How do you KNOW that nothing helps? Did you study epidemiology? No. Did you go to medical school? No. Have you read the literature on the present pandemic? No. What is your expertise???
I have an [albeit harsh] explanation. [For the record this fellow is an extremely nice and friendly person and a Yarei Shomayim].
It is arrogant to claim expertise on something you know almost nothing about and to claim expertise based on a few anecdotes about people who were seemingly careful and contracted the virus and others who weren't and didn't contract the virus.
It is humble to say: "I don't know." The reality is that NOBODY knows for sure. There are conflicting studies and this is still relatively new. Cancer has been around for a loooonnnggggg time and there have been countless millions of cases and yet they continue to study the illness and learn more.
It does however make the most sense to follow the consensus of people who have medical training and are following the literature and statistics of this virus and not come to one's own conclusions based on a few anecdotes. [Reminds me of the old "My uncle smoked and lived until 93. So smoking isn't really bad for you"].
It also makes sense that even if one chooses NOT to follow the medical consensus he should respect those who do and wear his mask and keep his distance. This respect is sorely lacking.
From a religious perspective, Chazal say חמירא סכנתא מאיסורא - Danger is more serious than forbidden acts. So it totally eludes my puny brain to understand how people who are soooo super duper gehooper machmir about איסור are so incredibly lackadaisical and flippant about סכנה. We should hear what the CDC says and as far-frumpt, flipped out, extremist, ultra ultra Orthodox Jews, go further. They don't have Chazal telling them to be so מחמיר abt. סכנה. We do. A Brisker vort: We are not מיקל in חילול שבת for the ill. We are מחמיר in פיקוח נפש.
The cemeteries are FILLED with people who didn't take this seriously enough.