All of the corpses?
All of the widows and orphans?
All of the people who are in financial ruin?
The long lines at food banks made up of people who until recently were middle class?
All of the tremendous physical suffering including inability to breathe [who ever appreciates how easy breathing is? People who lost that ability...], pain in joints, fever, fatigue etc. etc.?
All of the people who have suffered from mental illness, depression, addiction etc. etc. as a result of the pandemic?
The fact that every person who got sick and or died was infected by another person - many many many times from our communities? So we have רוצחים בשוגג walking innocently among us?
The colossal Chilulei Hashem that we have seen again and again and again over the last seven months? Not a day goes by without Chilulei Hashem being broadcast to the whole world. Many people will never be able to become frum b/c they will forever associate religious people with the way so many acted during Corona. Many frum people have come to HATE other frum people רח"ל [not to mention all of the anti semitism that has been generated].
Seeing how otherwise good people seem to care only about themselves as evidenced in so many ways [ואכמ"ל]? This has caused people to forever lose faith in mankind.
The tremendous divisiveness this disaster has brought to an already divisive and fractured world?
All the kids who have gone off the derech to differing degrees b/c yeshivos have been closed.
My answer - everything together is the worst! And much much more that I haven't mentioned.
All WE can do is add LIGHT! Daven more, better and deeper. Counter Chilul Hashem with Kiddush Hashem. Use much of our newfound spare time to learn more Torah, call and otherwise take an interest in the lives of others, help out others financially and otherwise according to our means, feel and express gratitude to all of the heroes [e.g. the health care workers, Rabbonim who have been so busy with so many crises, parents who home school their children] etc. etc.
And MOST IMPORTANTLY - not to get caught up in the web of despair.