Thursday, January 21, 2021

Giyus Banos - When Zionism Supplants Torah

This is unbelievable. 

Especially the revelation that the Israeli army spent four million shekel on abortions in 2017. [Many years ago I heard that a Dayan paskened that if one marries a girl who served in the army he can't have a טענת בתולין].

It is well known how much Gedolei Yisroel fought tooth and nail against גיוס בנות to the point of saying that it might well be יהרג ואל יעבור for a girl to serve in the army, רח"ל. 

BTW - Today about 25 percent [according to what I saw] of "religious" girls CHOOSE to serve in the army ה' ישמור. 

When one's religion is Zionism - that is what happens. 

On that note, one outspoken writer on Arutz Sheva celebrates violence against Jews in Chu"l b/c it will be a catalyst for aliyah:

 “All of the aliyah blogs, Torah proofs, and Rabbi videos won’t make one-thousandth of an impression on America’s Jews compared to the persuasion of 10 million rampaging Blacks advancing on the conclaves of Boro Park, Lakewood, and Beverly Hills. Go get ’em fellas!…Burn their Cadillacs and Audis. Tar and feather their community leaders.” [I omitted some more unseemly things that he wrote]. 

He also called for President Trump [עליו השלום on the President part....] to expel the Jews from America [which he wouldn't do if for no other reason than that he wants to see his grandchildren]. 

[It goes w/o saying that living in Israel is a huuuuuge mitzva and that we should all be zoche to fulfill it in simcha, good health and prosperity].