Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Join The Siyum

Dear Friends,

We hope this note finds you well.

In just over a month, on the 12th of Adar (February 24, 2021), we will be marking the 10th yahrzeit of our beloved son, Elisha Chanina z"l. This year would have been the year Lishi z"l started high school. We can only dream about the excitement and joy he would have brought to this new milestone in his life.

We continue to miss his presence in our lives each and every day. He continues to shine his beautiful light inside our hearts and souls.

This year again, we are hoping to make a virtual siyyum on the 12th of Adar, Lishi's yahrzeit. It is extremely meaningful to us to make a large siyyum yearly and we thank each of you who sets aside time to help us reach this goal. Please feel free to share the link with friends who would find it meaningful to participate in the siyyum.

To sign up to learn over the next month: Lishi's z”l 10th yahrzeit virtual siyyum

We are thankful that we expanded on the Chanukah family video project in Lishi's memory this past Chanukah. If you have not yet seen it , please visit : We continue to work on the In Our Hearts Project in Lishi's memory as well,

We thank you in advance for learning with us at this time of year. Your friendship and ‘virtual embrace’ mean so very much to us.

May we share only joyous times and blessings with one another,

Aaron and Karen Goldscheider and family