Thursday, January 28, 2021

Who Isn't in Control - And Who Is?

In life, we make plans, trying to foresee and avoid potential problems. More often than not - something [or many things] go wrong. People get married, sure that this is the one for them. Either - they get divorced or remain married but see that this ISN'T what they expected. People have children, try to send them to the right schools and to live in the right neighborhood - but who doesn't have problems with at least ONE of their children? People go to college and even graduate school, trying to ensure a good living for themselves and their families. Even if they make that good living - how much is left after taxes, tuitions, camps etc. etc. and then marrying off the kids. And how much heartache and stress do people have from their jobs?! LOTS. 

Corona came to the world. The entire world is on its knees. We can't go outside but we can't stay inside. Should we shut down the world economy and allow people to starve to death חס ושלום or let people continue as normal and risk the well being and lives of everybody??

Ahhh - now we have a vaccine. No worry. All under control.

Not so fast. In Israel, where they are giving out the vaccine faster than anyone else, the virus is spreading more than ever. And now there are mutations of the virus that the vaccine won't prevent. 

Message: This world is a place of nisyonos. We are not in charge. We do everything we can to be in control only to find out that there is an Invisible force stronger than all of us put together.

Let go. Let G-d. Acknowledge our smallness, His dominion and in that merit may He reveal Himself and bring the complete redemption!!!