Sunday, January 17, 2021

Humor - The Good The Bad And The Ugly

לרפואת משה בן מלכה בתוך שח"י

 Two dinim in שחוק - humor. 

1] Those who make a joke out of everything. If they are on social media they use it as a platform to spread more and more leitzanus. 

2] The Mishna says that one of the 48 Kinyanei Torah is מיעוט שחוק. That means that a LITTLE BIT, a DOSE, of humor is not only healthy but a prerequisite for the acquisition of Torah. [See Tiferes Yisrael on the Mishna].

To impart the danger of שחוק we go to the words of the Ramchal in the Mesilas Yesharim:

 A letz hears mussar and uses it as an opportunity to make more leitzanus and more of a mockery. I am not referring to people who aren't religious. Those people aren't even close to being שייך to mussar. I am talking about religious, often bearded and peyos'ed Jews who are just looking for more followers and will say anything to get them. They take their leitzanus sooooooo seriously that when חס ושלום someone uses one of their jokes and wasn't מקיים the teaching of כל האומר דבר בשם אומרו מביא גאולה לעולם - they get VERY angry. How could you STEAL my joke and not give me the credit? [BTW - You may take any of my Torah and use it w/o attribution and my humor I ask that you DON'T ATTRIBUTE to me]. It is like professional sports - taking a GAME, just a child's game SOOOOO SERIOUSLY. Here also - it is just a "shtik leitzanus". Why is it so important that people recognize them for their "comic genius"?? It is ego that revolves around stupidity and mockery. There is a special yetzer hara to make fun of Rabbis, Rabbeim in general and Mesivta Rabbeim in particular etc. People make leitzanus from learning, from davening, from the Torah. These are frum yidden, people who send their children to yeshiva at great expense, people whose wives go to mikva [mikva and other sexual humor is especially popular], people who daven three times a day. But they make a big joke out of the whole thing. וכדי בזיון וקצף

There is good, positive leitzanus. That, the Rosh Yeshiva ztz"l explains in the Pachad Yitzchak on Purim, is ליצנותא דעבודה זרה. Mocking nonsense. Mock Christianity [not the PEOPLE - the false idolatrous, pagan beliefs], Buddhism and New Age nonsense. Mock the sheker of the entertainment industry, the media, politics, sports etc. etc. Make leitzanus from people's תאות ממון and תאות אכילה. That is GOOD ליצנות. 

Rabbah would start his shiur with a מילתא דבדיחותא. Humor is HEALTHY. It opens up the heart. It makes people receptive - especially to musar. People's defense mechanisms go down when things are conveyed in a good spirit. 

The Acharonim teach [and we have many shiurim on this BS"D] that when one makes a Kinyan there must be כוונת קנין. There must be an intention to make the kinyan. When one fulfills the Kinyan Torah of מיעוט שחוק - there should be כוונה to use the humor as part of the Kinyan Torah and not humor לשמה G-d forbid - humor for the sake of humor.      

BS"D as I was writing this I heard this which talks about ליצנות.