Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Life Eitzos Part 3: Don't Take It Personally

Anytime anyone offends or hurts you in some way - it is almost never about you. It is about this person and his/her issues. EVERYBODY has issues and those around them are bound to suffer.

So don't take it personally. And remember, just like most of your thoughts revolve around yourself, most of other people's thoughts revolve around THEMselves.  So any sin of omission or commission is really about themselves. You are generally a very very small player in anyone else's life with the exception of your parents, spouse, non-adult children and maybe a few other people.  As far as 99.99999999 percent of the world's population you don't even exist.  The other 0.0000000001 percent that knows you exist, thinks about you very little. 

So instead of worrying what other people do or don't think of you, did or didn't do to you - focus on fulfilling your task in this world.