I heard a shiur from a חכם מפורסם where he emphasized that WE, the one's davening, are at the front lines of battle [בקו החזית].
It is important for me to set the record straight. We are NOT at the front lines. The soldiers are. THEY are the one's risking life [and most of them have not lived for very long] and limb in order to protect us. That should not be forgotten or taken for granted. Saying that we are on the front lines almost trivializes what the soldiers are doing. If we are on the front lines in the comfort of our homes then it can't be such a big deal.
I am not minimizing the כח התפילה. It is massssiiiveeeee. We should and must daven, daven and daven. This is an עת צרה and thus a מצוה דאורייתא to daven according to both the Rambam and Ramban. We have to daven from the depths of our hearts and souls.
But we are not on the front lines. We are in no immediate danger. The soldiers who are gong to enter Azza, on the other hand, are in mortal danger. They deserve our thanks, gratitude and tfillos.