Why does the enemy ימ"ש שר"י spread around their videos of indescribable cruelty? To enhance their chances of getting jobs at start ups? To attract potential mates? To inspire people to higher levels of love, kindness and compassion? To prove how technically savvy they are [how many beasts in the jungle do YOU know who have the ability to take and upload videos??]?
Shockingly, none of those.
They are doing it, in my humble estimation, in order to destroy our morale. They want us to get down, to be scared, nervous and depressed. They want to take away our joie de vivre ["שמחת חיים" in Chinese].
So all over social media you see people who are not themselves. They can't sleep. All day long they obsess about the situation. They watch horrific video after horrific video of images that will never leave them for as long as they live. They will be traumatized for life. They are miserable.
EXACTLY but EXACTLY what those blood thirsty savages want.
Mussar Haskel: DON'T let them hurt you. DON'T watch any violent videos. It is bad for your psyche and soul. Don't read descriptions of their barbarism. We all know. The entire world knows. Don't read endless analysis of what they did and of what this or that person said.
DO live life to the fullest, using this as a growth opportunity. Feel the pain of the victims [נושא בעול עם חברו], say more tehillim, take kabbolos upon yourself as a zchus for the victims, the soldiers, the hostages and all of Klal Yisrael. Be bi-simcha mixed with pain [not depression or rage] for the suffering of people and the שכינה. Work on pounding into your head again and again and again that despite ALLLLLLLL news reports this was somehow from Hashem. הוֹי אַשּׁוּר שֵׁבֶט אַפִּי וּמַטֶּה הוּא בְיָדָם זַעְמִי. Hamas is an instrument [who will receive its due punishments]. Think a lot about ציפייה לגאולה - a חיוב מדאורייתא and one of the 6 questions asked after 120. Don't be a passive victim - be proactive.
As always - we can't control the events around us. But we CAN control ourselves.