..... "Shalvi wrote about having her first aliyah, saying a blessing over the Torah scroll on a Shabbos morning, while visiting as a guest speaker at a Conservative synagogue in Milwaukee, and seeing a Torah scroll up close for the first time in her life, at the age of 53.
That experience changed Shalvi’s religious approach, and she began attending a Conservative synagogue where women had more equal roles to men. She eventually served as rector of the Conservative Movement’s Schechter Institute for four years."
This is what I saw in an Israeli paper:
והיה עוד משהו נדיר אצל פרופ׳ שלוי. היא אהבה את היהדות, הייתה יהודייה מאמינה ומחויבת לערכים ולמסורת היהודית, היא ידעה שהיהדות היא מופלאה והתורה אהובה. והיא גם ידעה שערכי שוויון וליברליזם, וערכים הומניסטים הם חלק בלתי נפרד מהיהדותֿ.
Purim humor on Sukkos???! [If you don't understand it do what I do every time I see Hebrew - google translate!!😉😉]
Indeed! 😊😊😊
Sorry. Judaism is not egalitarian, liberal and humanist. It is the revealed word of Hashem.
Joining Conservative Judaism is not a display of faith and "ומחויבת לערכים ולמסורת היהודית" but a rejection of our tradition when it didn't fit her radical feminist agenda.
May her Neshama have a Kappara and *Shalva* and all of the misguided people she misled return to the source.