Since the war began, every day after davening a perek of tehillim or two are said. Every davening almost everybody is out the door before we are finished [I remain as I am chazan]. I wonder why this is. [Incidentally, every morning at shachris and sometimes for mincha and maariv, when davening offically begins there is no minyan]. I say the psukim out loud and often hear nothing but silence [or close to it] behind me.
Various possibilities:
1] People don't really believe in G-d. Just sort of.
2] People don't believe in the power of tfillah.
3] People believe in the power of tfillah - just not in the power of THEIR tfillos.
4] People are in a rush [always - every time. Even though most of these people don't have jobs].
5] It is burdensome to be in shul three times a day and people want out as soon as they can.
6] People don't care about the hundreds and hundreds of soldiers who have been killed and maimed and the thousands of grieving family members.
I personally suspect that it is a combination of all of these factors ןאכמ"ל.
My goal in writing this post is NOT to be מקטרג on the עם קדוש but rather to awaken ourselves to some נחפשה דרכינו ונשובה.
Whatever the reason - it doesn't reflect well on our spiritual state and troubles me greatly.
Some thoughts here.