Saturday, November 26, 2011

NOW We Understand!!

Re: Our post asking why Rivka didn't just tell Yitzchak to give Yaakov the bracha. We received an answer from my beloved friend and recent Chosson, Rav Yonatan Shai Freedman of Alon Shvut:

1. Netziv in HaEmek Davar (previous parasha), when discussing Rivka falling upon seeing Yitzhak, says that she fell because of fear and the she was constantly afraid of Yitzhak throughout her marriage. This fear prevented her from telling Yitzhak the truth about Yaakov and Eisav.

2. Ramban said that Rivka didn’t just want Yitzhak to know the truth. She actually wanted Yitzhak to give Yaakov the blessing that he wanted to give Eisav. The “rav ya’avod tza’ir” just meant that Eisav would not get the berakha in the end. It does not mean that Yaakov would get the berakha. So the way she could be sure of Yaakov’s blessing was the elaborate ruse she pulled off.


ps- This was NOT posted at 3:15 saturday afternoon. I really try to keep Shabbos...