לזכות משה יהודה בן פעשא דינה לברכה והצלחה וכל טוב סלה!
We all know that Yosef HaTzadik had to spend two extra years in jail because he asked to Sar Hamashkim to mention him to the Paroh so that he would be freed from the dungeon.
Everybody asks: Why the the punishment? A Jew is permitted to do hishtadlus. Also, why TWO years specifically?
Indeed a Jew is allowed to do hishtadlus, but not to OVER DO hishtadlus. In three days Paroh was making a birthday party [40/13]. That would have been the right time for hishtadlus. Asking the Sar Hamashkim to intervene two days prior was unnecessary. It was putting to [two] much faith in the hishtadlus and not enough in Hashem. So middah ki-negged middah, Yosef had to stay for two more years in jail. [Rav Charlap]
I must tell you that my life experience has taught me that this is absolutely so. Too much hishtadlus is so unneccessary and all too often backfires. Sometimes we just have to step back, relax and let Hashem perform his magic. The more bitachon - the more peace of mind.