Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Real Cause Of Problems + Update

Eventually you will see that the real cause of problems is not life itself. It's the commotion that mind makes about life that really causes problems.

Update: I posted the above before I attempted to go to sleep at about 3am. After tossing and turning for a long time, unable to sleep despite great fatigue because of a certain worry that is consuming me, I have arisen to pray. The truth is that the issue is indeed a burning one but the "commotion of the mind" makes it all that much worse. A clear balanced thought process reveals to me that my attitude is wrong on at least two accounts.

1] If a person has bitachon he sleeps soundly, so this is a clear indication that I need to bolster my bitachon. Hashem runs the show and the distressful situation I ponder is silly putty in Divine Hands. In one moment He can completely solve the problem. Feel free to apply that to your life. 

2] Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook was asked by the doctor in his old age, after a serious surgery [are surgeries ever funny?], what hurts. He said "Klal Yisrael". The doctor thought that the Rov didn't understand and repeated his question. Rav Tzvi Yehuda repeated his answer "Klal Yisrael". The doctor again thought that the Rov didn't understand. Rav Tzvi Yehuda explained that he understood perfectly what the doctor was asking and the answer is that what really pains him are the tzaros of klal yisrael. My focus on my personal tzaros are rooted in a self-centeredness that I find abhorrent. So I have something else for which to do teshuva. Boy, will I have a busy aseres yemei teshuva.....