Monday, September 22, 2014


One of the greatest Rebbe's of our generation said that the main problem of the frum world today is .... "frimme nirven" - "frum nerves". People are tense. Was I yotzei, wasn't I? Did I say it or didn't I? Did I wash the entire hand or did I miss a spot? Then people go to a shrink and have to pay big bucks and take pills. Another big Rebbe said that it is not just the "frimme nirven" but basic nerves. People are nervous. They have no menuchas hanefesh.

On Rosh Hashana we read in the haftorah the pasuk הלוך הרגיעו ישראל - Hashem comes to calm down the Jews. That, on the very very tip of the iceberg, is the lesson of the day. And this day is the root of the whole year. We need to be calm on Rosh Hashana and the rest of the year as well.

Of course we should take halacha seriously and of course we should have a fear of judgement but we ALSO have to be .... chilled.

[Heard from the Rebbe Shlita]