Thursday, July 26, 2018

People Are Not Coca-Cola

I saw an article about older singles. One piece of advice given was to "keep yourself marketable". 

Words are both a reflection of an inner state and also influence one's feelings and thoughts.

Let us analyze the word "marketable". Coca-Cola needs to be marketed. It is poison for the body and yet they have multi-billion dollar sales. Good marketing. [When I was a kid their motto was "have a Coke and a smile"]. Sneakers need to be marketed. Heavy competition. 

But human beings? Holy Jewish people with souls??!! "MARKETABLE"??? They even call it the "shidduch market" - As if people are pieces of meat. "Hi honey, I am at the meat market, would you like anything? Chopped liver?? OK. Oh - and while I'm here, I'll pick up a shidduch for Chani".

And they are even stored in the same place. It is well known that Lakewood Yeshiva boys must first spend six months in the "freezer" before dating. I would presume next to the chopped liver. 

People are not items for sale. They are souls enclothed by bodies. Let us not cheapen ourselves or others.