Tuesday, April 30, 2019

New York Times Cartoon


Everyone knows that a dog is man's best friend. Caricaturing Netanyahu as a dog is their way of saying that he is their best friend [but why the purple lipstick?]. Especially in New York City which is the dog capital of the world. Whenever I go there and walk around the West Side I see dogs, dogs, dogs. 

And Trump being depicted as blind? Hey - who doesn't have compassion and mercy for blind people. They were saying that they have compassion for him!! The yarmulke on his head - it just shows that he has Yiras Shomayim. 

On that note: One famous actress [she has a Jewish name but that is only because she married a man with a Jewish name - she is not Jewish] blamed TRUMP for the shooting in the San Diego Chabad shul. 

I ask Trump's enemies - what ISN'T Trump's fault? Global warming? They blame the guy for EVERYTHING. 

The world is FILLLLLEEED with darkness! The ONLY way to combat this is to fill the world with light!!