Monday, April 29, 2019

Vacation From Learning?

Rav Shachter Shlita on Bein Hazmanim. The man knows a LOT! But there is one thing he doesn't know - that one is supposed to stop learning during Bein Hazmanim....

Reminds me of the story of the Rebbetzin of Rav Nisan Alpert ztz"l [talmid of Rav Moshe Feinstein and Ra"m in Y"U]: She called the Yeshiva office to ask if there was ever a vacation. They told her that there was [OF COURSE]. She said that she didn't know because her husband has been going in every day for years no matter what...

Back to Rav Shachter: one of his close talmidim once told me that over Pesach the Rav learned all of Pesachim, Chagiga and Beitza [and not just the mishnayos]. It goes without saying that during this time he was also "hocked" with shylos and had other obligations [like being a husband, father and grandfather].