Thursday, July 25, 2019

Important Statistical Link And Thoughts About Pride

This has been bothering me for a long time. How many people are really homosexual? Statistically - less than ten percent. Probably less than five percent. So why do the problems of less than 5 percent of the population get 68 percent [made that up] of the media coverage?? Small group - lots of noise. You would think they are 50 percent - or more - of the population. When the New York Times has a series on love and relationships they send emails with a picture of two men kissing or engaging in other forms of affection. When my bank advertises deals for couples buying homes, the pictures feature two men. 

I have trouble with this. I mean, isn't the standard "man and woman"? Is there something wrong with me that I have no interest in marrying another man [and am actually repulsed by the notion]? Society is going in the direction of telling me that yes - there IS something wrong with me. Truly GREAT people have same sex attraction. 

Heterosexuals are called "straight" implying that those who are not inclined toward the opposite gender are in some way crooked or queer. The word queer always meant [until the last few years] "weird" or "off". We should feel badly for them. I personally have more rachmanus on them than I have for some cancer patients. I mean - RACHMANUS. Never have biological children? And the torture they feel in their souls for living a lifestyle that flies in the face of basic biblical morality. Oyyy. Not to mention what will happen in the afterlife. We believe in שכר ועונש. If they are really אנוסים and can't help themselves - Hashem will decide. I am not on His Beis Din. But either way - I feel terrible for them. They have very high rates of depression and suicide. So sad.  

Someone recently wrote an article in the Jewish Press, an Orthodox publication, asserting that there is no reason to have a "Gay Pride" parade because being homosexual is nothing to be proud of. From the comments you would think he wrote that Nazis are wonderful people and that Stalin was a hero. He was lambasted. How can he DARE say that a man shouldn't be proud of the fact that he has sex with other men??! This is something to TRULY glorify in. 

To be honest - I don't think one should be "proud" of the fact that he or she is heterosexual. 

"תועבת ה' כל גבה לב".

"Pride in the heart is an abomination to Hashem." 

We use all of our faculties and inclinations to serve Hashem. One of them is our attraction to the opposite gender. We don't have to talk about it [unless there is some practical benefit], we don't have to march about it, we don't have to make a big deal out of it. It is not our primary defining characteristic. It is but ONE PART of our greater humanity. We are sexual beings, but more importantly we are emotional and spiritual beings. We also have gross, brown smelly stuff miraculously exiting an orifice Hashem put EXACTLY in the right place. Does THAT totally define us. I hope not.... 

If society would spend one tenth of the time they talk about all this LGBT stuff talking instead about our souls we would be MUCH better off.