Sunday, January 5, 2020

Big Siyum Tonight!!

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Join thousands on 9 Tevet, 5790 (January 5, 2020) at the International Convention Center (Binyanei Ha'Uma) for the first global Women's Siyum HaShas.

Indeed!! Join the celebration of tens of thousands of women who finished Shas!!!馃榾

I am not making fun of women - just of the NOTION that women should be doing what men are doing. I like women. I spent my first nine months in the womb of one. Then married another. Then fathered [and grandfathered] a few more. They are the backbone of Klal Yisrael. A Jew is not a Jew without a Jewish mother. 

But should women learn Daf Yomi?

They are not obligated to learn at all - except the halachos that pertain to them. Does the average women know Hilchos Lashon Hara, Shabbos, Tefilla, Netilas Yodaim, Onaas Dvarim, Kibbud Av Va-eim etc. etc. 

Now the average man doesn't either and that is a problem. The difference is that a man is obligated to learn Gemara [even though knowing halacha takes precedence. If someone doesn't know Hilchos Shabbos he is a Mechalel Shabbos. So having finished Shas while being a Mechalel Shabbos isn't so lovely] and a woman is not.

And if women are already learning ANYTHING - they should already learn Bi-iyun [after they master the halachos they need to keep]. The argument is that if women get Phd's and become lawyers and doctors then why shouldn't they also learn on a high level. Daf Yomi - with all of its TREMENDOUS value, is the most superficial approach to Torah. No time for give and take, chazara or in depth analysis. The Rambam's concern of 诪讜爪讬讗讜转 讚讘专讬 转讜专讛 诇讚讘专讬 讛讘讗讬 [Talmud Torah 1-13] is much more acute in a Daf Yomi setting when the Tanaim and Amoraim don't get an adequate hearing. 

And BY GOLLY - How does the average religious women, with a large family or least being pregnant or having little one's to take care of, and a job, and the home to take care of, chesed and social obligations, reading Mishpacha each week馃槉, etc. etc. have the time?? Like, take the pressure OFF. She has enough pressure, as it is.

So men - if you do the daf - GREAT!! Ladies - I PROMISE YOU that Hashem won't be upset at you if you don't. And whether He will be pleased if you do is subject to debate. If you spend that hour visiting someone in the hospital or finding a shidduch for a lonely single girl, I believe that it will give Hashem MUCH MORE nachas ruach.   

The same Gemara that women are being encouraged to learn says:

"谞砖讬诐 讘诪讗讬 讝讻讬讬谉, 讘讗拽专讜讬讬 讘谞讬讬讛讜 诇讘讬 讻谞讬砖转讗 讜讘讗转谞讜讬讬 讙讘专讬讬讛讜 讘讬 专讘谞谉, 讜谞讟专讬谉 诇讙讘专讬讬讛讜 注讚 讚讗转讜 诪讘讬 专讘谞谉". 讜讚讜拽 讘诪讛 砖诇讗 讻转讜讘. 

The ikker - 诇讻讜讜谉 诇讘讜 诇砖诪讬诐 讜诇砖讗讜诇 砖讗诇转 专讘 讬专讗 砖诪讬讬诐!!!

PS - There are probably women who really need it but they are the exception and not the rule.