Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Oneg Shabbos In Mussaf

We say Mussaf on Shabbos corresponding to the Korban Mussaf - ונשלמה פרים שפתינו. 

So this is "di-oraisadik". It supplants a Biblical mitzva. 

Why then do we say "מענגיה כבוד ינחלו"? How does עונג שבת fit in here? עונג שבת is a later mitzva - from the Navi [See Rambam Shabbos 30-1]!!

Shtark Kashya!

Based on what we wrote here - we can say as follows. קדש היא לכם. Shabbos is YOURS for שכר. ENJJOOOOYYY!! This "enjoy" is di-oraisa!! The specific takanos of eating and drinking etc. are only מדברי קבלה but the fundamental notion of deriving pleasure is Biblical. So the mention of עונג belongs in Mussaf...

[עפ"י דברי מרן רה"י זצ"ל]