Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Ask The Rabbi Column - Right Is Right/ Yesterday's Newspaper

[Note: No Rabbis were available to answer, so I, a sanitation worker, filled in]. 

 Dear Rabbi 

I heard that teshuva should be incremental. Does that mean it counts if I stop watching CNN and move over to Fox?

News Hungry 

Dear News Hungry,

Your intentions are admirable. Indeed, the Gemara says that in the Beis Hamikdash, whenever the Kohen turned - he turned to the right.  

But practically speaking: When the women newscasters on Fox get dressed [!!!] and don't look like they came from the cover of a magazine intended for a male audience and the views propounded by Fox are consistent with Torah values then ..... maaaayyybbeee. 

In the meantime, spend 3 minutes a day [MAX!! - or more time in the bathroom which is really the best place for such things - for more than one reason...] on an Orthodox website w/o forbidden images catching up with the news in order to satisfy your "hunger" and spend all of the rest of your free time learning "new" things in Torah [also a type of news!!!]!! There is also chesed to do, parents and/or children to focus on [if you are so blessed] and much much more!!! 

Life is short. Don't waste it on the endless verbiage of news. Remember where yesterday's newspaper always goes - the garbage.... [in my profession I can tell you that I see a lot of newspapers].



PS - And don't forget to take everything you read with MORE than a grain of salt!!!