Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Mouth Control!!

The stone on the Choshen Mishpat corresponding to Shevet Binyamin was ישפה [Yashpeh]. Chazal explain - יש פה ואינו מדבר. He knew about the sale of Yosef but didn't tell Yaakov. He had a mouth but didn't use it!! As the Rebbe Shlita emphasizes - His mouth was under his control and didn't control him. 

That is a GREAT lesson for today. People  can't choose not to control their mouths both in the realms of speech and food consumption. So one AMAZING Avoda for this season is to TAKE CONTROL over our mouths!!! Don't say what shouldn't be said, say what should be said, eat the amount and types of food that should be eaten and STOP when it is too much or the food is BAD for us. "Junk food" is called that for a reason.......