Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Selichos Is A Time For Elevated Kedusha - Not The Opposite

לזכות רפואת יוכבד פייגע בת מיכל יהודית בתיה בתוך שח"י!!!

I saw a shul was looking for ten men to make a minyan for a large group of women who are going to have a musical selichos. The first night of selichos and a man is going to a room full of women who are dressed attractively [and not all of them particularly modestly] and are going to spend an hour-plus singing [kol bi-isha ...] in a room with a low and transparent mechitza???!!!!!!!!!! 

They shouldn't look for ten men but 10 angels who have no yetzer hara! Problem is that angels don't count for a minyan. Reminds me of the boy who once told Rav Elya Lopian that seeing immodestly dressed women doesn't affect him. Rav Elya responded that he is in his 80's and blind in one eye and it affects him!! And see below for more נורא נוראות about the זהירות required. 

The "al cheyts" are filled with references to breaches in purity. The first night of selichos is not a time to put oneself in such a situation. The women should either join a regular minyan or say their musical selichos w/o a minyan [and of course skip the י"ג מידות which requires a minyan].  

SWEETEST FRIENDS!!! לב יודע מרת נפשו. We all know what we have to fix in this area. R' Tzadok says that this is the last test before Moshiach. Let's pass it!! The way to do that is, among other things, to avoid nisyonos.