Monday, August 23, 2021

תקע בשופר גדול לחירותנו

People like to think that we are "free". We have "independence". We have left the galus. 

This is a critical mistake!!!

We say it every day. We ask Hashem to blow the big shofar for our freedom. תקע בשופר גדול לחירותנו. We are not free until we hear that Shofar of Moshiach. We are in Galus. Geographically many of us are in Israel but this is NOT the ultimate goal. This Galus is a jail. When Hashem's glory is not revealed, when people are in the mud of their base desires, immersed in their cheshek for money, food, fun, pleasure, comfort etc. etc. we can't say that we are free. Our SPIRITS are in a bitter exile. Animals ALSO want a life filled with pleasure. We want to be above that. Most of society is not.  

Are we?