Monday, August 23, 2021

Intoxicating - Ptzatza

It is totally beyond me why people revert to alcohol to get intoxicated or drugs to get high when they can just learn Pachad Yitzchak. It is much healthier and the effects last much longer! 

As we approach the high holy days I encourage everyone to enhance their experience by learning this INCREDIBLE Torah. For those who may struggle with the text, there is *a guy* who uploaded dozens and dozens of shiurim that may be helpful. 

[I was just reminded of a line by the Rosh Yeshiva ztz"l. He was at Rav Moshe's home when Menachem Begin was coming for a visit w/ the Gedolim. The security guys were looking around the apartment before Begin came in. The RY said something to the effect of - "You are looking for פצצות [bombs]? On the shelf there is an Igros Moshe. THAT is a פצצה."]