Monday, August 23, 2021

Old Yetzer

From an on line article: 

“Twenty-five years ago, if an American bochur spent a year in Israel, his parents were able to rest assured he was learning. That still may be the case — and very often is,” he says. But it’s no longer a guarantee. “The yetzer hara makes sure to balance the abundance of ruchniyus here in Eretz Yisrael with less than holy pursuits.”

This is my 35th year learning in Israel [BARUCH HASHEM, THANKS SOOO MUCH YOU ARE BEYOONNDDD AWESOME and a special shout out to my parents who sent me here and are still waiting for me to return to start college.... No! In fact, they love me regardless]. So I can say unequivocally: Revisionist history. The Yetzer Hara wasn't born in the last 25 years. He has been inside of every human being since חטא אדם הראשון. Plenty of people came to Israel 25 years ago and didn't learn much. Today there are many more distractions but it turns out that 25 years ago girls already existed [!!!!], as did [להבדיל] alcohol, movies, Ben Yehuda street and other distractions from חובת האדם בעולמו. 

Just wanted to set the record straight.