Sunday, September 26, 2021

A Question For Random People

 Walk down the street and stop random passers-by and ask them the following question:

If you see a work of intelligence [e.g. a computer, a book etc.], does it make more sense that an intelligent being/s is behind it or it created itself? 

They will look at you as if you are crazzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyy!!! UV KORS an intelligent being created it!!! Nothing just comes out of hot air by itself. 

The world is FILLLLLLEEEEEDDDDDD with SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCHHHHHHH intelligence. So many intelligent human beings, so much intelligence in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics etc. etc. etc. 


To think that so many otherwise intelligent people believe that..... 

A פלא פלאי פלאים לפלא!!!!