Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Yom Kippur - What We Learn From Mrs. Kohen Gadol

לרפואת חנה גיטל בת עליזה נעמי ויוכבד פייגע בת מיכל יהודית בתיה בתוך שח"י


This is IT!!!! Only HOURS away from the HOLY DAYYYY!!! WOWOWOWOW!!!! Vos vet zein??? Vat vill be???? It vill be gooooooodddddddd BEZ"H!!!! VERY VERY VERRRRRY GOOODDDD!!!!!!!

A thought that I hope you find helpful. If not - sue me and we can meet in court. Afterwards we can go out and "do lunch"!!!!

There is an ODDDDDD halacha regarding the Kohen Gadol. On one hand - he MUST be a married man. No wife - no Yom Kippur. וכיפר בעדו ובעד ביתו. He needs a בית - a home. A "home' is a wife. No wife - no anchor. A house is four walls and a floor. A home is a wife. Thank G-d for wives!!!! Since we are limited to one wife, I like telling mine to get really heavy so that there is "more" of her to love. The more the better. She has a different perspective on the matter.

But then - we tell the Kohen Gadol to separate from his wife for the seven days preceding YK. So we see that maybe SEPARATING from one's wife is the ideal. I mean - ask the Pope. So many single nuns and yet he refuses to marry any of them - or better, "nun" of them. He thinks that to be holy is to be single. But our Kohen Gadol HAS to be married - only to be told to separate before YK.

Then there is a Mitzva as part of the סדר העבודה - the order of the service of the KG, to give him his clothing at the end of his service and accompany him back to his home i.e. his wife. "הביאו לו בגדי עצמו ולבש ומלווין אותו עד ביתו" [From the piyut of אתה כוננת]. Why would that be necessary? He is done with his job? Go home. Thanks and see ya next year!!! NO! We bring him his clothing and accompany him home - to his wife!! What is THAT about?

Those learning daf yomi these days [and people like me who went to Yeshiva when they were young and learned something] know that we see a similar idea regarding the giving of the Torah. First the couples were told to separate three days before the giving of the Torah. NEGIYA PATROL get moving!!! THEN - as the epilogue of this once-in-a-history-world-changing-event, Hashem can find nothing better to tell the Jews other than they should go home and be intimate with their spouses!!! שובו לכם לאהליכם!!!! [Beitza 5. Shout out to my beloved friend Rebbe Eytan Feldman with whom I learned Maseches Beitza abt. 28 years ago!!! It was mamesh a "sunny side up"!]


Answer: YESSS!!! The purpose of the giving of the Torah was to sanctify our daily lives!!!! So after the giving of the Torah we are told - GO HOME AND BE HUMAN BEINGS IN A HOLY WAY!!! "ואנשי קודש תהיון לי" - Said the Kotzker: Hashem has ENOUGH angels. He wants holy menschen. Human beings!! 

Back to our Kohen Gadol. He is sooooooo holy. He enters the Holy Of Holies. He needs to have a wife b/c only in being married can we be truly holy. [Sorry Reb Pope...]. Before YK he separates from his wife. in order to elevate himself above the physical for a week. Then he spends a day not eating, drinking or sleeping. Like an angel! After that, the REAL Avodah commences! We give him his weekday clothing and accompany him back to his home. The message - BE HOLY!!! Holy is to sanctify the physical - not to run away from it. YK, we remember, was the day of the giving of the second luchos. Same structure as the first Matan Torah. יום חתונתו says the Mishna in Taanis is the day of the giving of the Torah. 

After the holy, uplifting, spiritual event of the chuppah, which is compared to Matan Torah [there are numerous customs which reflect this such as the chuppah which Hashem spread over us at Sinai] - we accompany the chosson [who is wearing his Yom Kippur kittel] and the Kallah to the Yichud room. This is the time to be alone with one's spouse in the holiest way.

Now we can understand the STRANGE custom of the Jews that in the olden days the girls would go out on Yom Kippur and the single boys would come and choose brides for themselves. Is this appropriate for YK?? Is this EVER appropriate? 

It is actually appropriate ONLY on Yom Kippur. THIS is the day to sanctify the physical and find a wife.   

May Hashem bless all the single people out there that THIS should be the year when they find their bashert!!!! 

SWEETEST FRIENDS!!!! May we all merit to have the highest-holiest-most-elevating-and-uplifiting-Yom Kippur and then bring that home and sanctify EVERY FACET of our daily lives. From the most mundane and physical to our livelihoods and all areas. מי כעמך ישראל!!!! There is no holy nation like us that has such concepts. אשריכם ישראל!!!!!

Bi-ahava rabba and wishes for a GMAR CHASIMA TOVA to one and all!!!!