Saturday, September 18, 2021

Haazinu - How Not to Be A Dead Animal


The psukim in this week's Parsha describe the errant ways of the Jews [not US - the guys in the other neighborhood!!!] and then says הלשם תגמלו זאת עם נבל ולא חכם - Are you repaying Hashem this way? You are a nation that is נבל and not wise.

What is "נבל"? A HARP!!!!

Why would we be called a harp [w/o "harping" on the question. This year is תשפ"ב - תהא שנת פאנ'ס בשפע Lotsa puns this year אי"ה!!!]?

Answer - We are not. A נבל in this context means a miscreant, a vile person, a scoundrel [like the word נבילה - dead animal!!]. Or as the Italians say - a real oisvarf!!! [Sefardi Italians call him an "Otvarf"].

Why are we such a rotten nation? Rashi: B/c we forgot all the good Hashem did for you!!! Ramban: B/c we repayed all of the good with bad.

WOW!!! To lack appreciation and gratitude makes one something really terrible חס ושלום!!!!

So we are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky!!! We can fix this!!

How? Simply appreciate all that others have done on our behalf. Never take it for granted. Repay kindness with kindness!!!

This applies in our relationship with Hashem who gives us life EVERY SECOND and everyone else from whom we benefit.

The pasuk continues and says הלא הוא אביך קנך. Hashem is your Father who "acquired". How can one be an ingrate to a parent???


We are DOUBLY lucky!!!! Whether our parents are here or in the next world - it doesn't matter!!! We can ALWAYS find ways to repay all of their kindness to us!!!! The Halacha is that we must honor our parents both in life and after.

So sweetest most beloved friends!!!! What a GREAT way to come off the holy days of awe!!! By becoming even better children than we already were!!! By thinking of more and more ways to show our gratitude to our parents who are responsible for our very existence and took care of us when we couldn't take care of ourselves!!!!

A DELICIOUS Shabbos!!!!!!!!!!!