Saturday, September 25, 2021

Date Story

 Chol Hamoed Sukkos Date:

Girl: What do גנב"ך and רבק"ש stand for?

Boy: *Puzzled look*.

Girl: Please take me home. This won't go anywhere. 


Why in the Sugya of סוכת גנב"ך is קביעי considered a מעלה when we hold that דירת ארעי בעינן?

How can the Gemara contrast the מעלה of קביעי w/ the מעלה of בני חיובא when these are seemingly two distinct מעלות with no linkage between them? 

[I discuss this in the recent series on סוכה ישנה. Please - שמעו ותחי נפשכם!]