Monday, June 20, 2022

Aliyah For All?

One of the BEST [if not THE best] way to atone for the sin of the Meraglim is to move to Israel. They expressed disdain for the Land - we should show our love by actually moving there!!! 750+ Israel Flag Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash

However, there are exceptions. One is Rabbis and Jewish educators. Israel does not lack Rabbis or educators. There is actually a tremendous overflow. There are a fraction of positions for all the available candidates. The US on the other hand, is suffering greatly from a dearth of qualified and interested teachers. This is a HUUUUGE problem.  

There are greater mitzvos than living in Israel. One is saving the future of the Jewish people. There is a 70 percent or so intermarriage rate. We need people who will reach out to unaffiliated Jews and stem the tide.

Living in Israel is so much more fulfilling and easier in many ways [Jewishly speaking - not to mention the tuition difference]. But we need to think bigger than our own ruchniyos. Mesiras Nefesh includes sometimes sacrificing one's own religious growth for the sake of the community.