Monday, June 27, 2022

Non-Jewish Girls - Non-Jewish gods

The Torah and Chazal warn us not follow after non-Jewish women b/c if we do we will also follow their gods! 

Why should the two go together?? I get the pretty girl thing. Stay away. Not good for the Jewish soul. But why will that lead to following nonsensical idols? 

Answer: That is the reality. Oif a myseh fregt men nicht ken kashyos. You can't ask questions on what happened. Fact. Like they say today "Facts don't care about your feelings". Goyish women = idols. You fall for the girl, you follow her gods. 

There is a very popular pundit, columnist and author named David Brooks. He writes a lot about ethics, morals, religion and spirituality. He is quite talented but anything but moral and spiritual. [I saw a video where a VERY well known Modern Orthodox rabbi had a public discussion with him and called him a "prophet". שומו שמים!!! Even at the time he was a מחלל שבת extremely secular Jew].

He was raised a secular Jew. He married a woman who converted to Judaism in order to marry him. She really took to it and even became the mikva lady!!!

After many years of marriage and the birth of a few children [one of whom served in Tzahal!!!], he had an affair with his much younger Christian assistant. [How come men always seem to have affairs with younger women??? Older women are so much mature and wise??!!!!]. He dumped his wife [the mikva lady!!!!!!!] and married the mistress.

Now this younger lady is a devout Christian [which didn't stop her from sleeping with a married Jewish man. Note: It isn't 100 percent that they actually slept together. Just 99.999 percent. He even writes about their close relationship in the preface of his book, written while he was still married I believe].

So then this Brooks becomes a MESHUMAD and converts to Christianity. 😲😲😲

After generations of being killed and tortured in the most grotesque ways by Christians  - Brooks says "I'll save you the trouble" and willingly converts. Does Brooks ever think of how much his ancestors suffered in order to remain Jews? Does he think of the countless priests who happily collaborated with the Nazis? Did it ever occur to this self-styled intellectual that before rejecting Judaism he should maybe learn about it first?? In his speeches he likes to quote "Soloveitchik's two Adams" which seems to be the extent of his Jewish knowledge. 

So what is this act of betrayal about?? 

The body of a non-Jewish woman. From her body to a god with a body. 

Just like the Torah said.

Do you think he would reconsider if he watched some Tuvia Singer videos? Hardly. Tuvia Singer is interested in disproving the New Testament. Brooks is interested in his non-Jewish wife. If he would get the same sexual satisfaction from ripping apart the NT as he does from his wife, then there would be a chance...  

So keep your children away from secular universities or other places they can meet and fall for non-Jews. And even then..... DAVEEEENNN!