Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Free Thinkers?

Have you ever heard of a contemporary Conservative "rabbi" who is actually conservative in their outlook [or a Reform "rabbi" for that matter] and not lefties?? Like - they consider an ideal marriage to be man and woman and that two men living together pretending to be a man and woman is wrong or that it is morally unconscionable for a woman to kill a baby in her womb [she didn't] or that the Israel has complete rights to the Land of Israel and that they are on the morally correct side of the equation. Who voted Trump or who votes Republican?? [That is how you know that the Republicans are usually right. If every progressive rabbi is against them then they are on to something.] There might not be ONE such "rabbi". Why not? They are "free thinkers". Tens of millions of Americans have conservative views. So it is not so remote to hold such views. Not so long ago homosexuality was considered immoral and a disease and abortion was illegal but today it is a מילתא דפשיטא ["axiomatic" in Spanish] that those things are great. 

Mussar Haskel: "Free thinkers" aren't so free in their thinking. They start with unspoken [and possibly subconscious] premises and build on those. So a progressive rabbi's starting point is that whatever people thought in the past is outdated. What is newer and more progressive is by definition better. 

An Orthodox Jew will agree on many more issues with a devout believing Christian that with a non-Orthodox Jew [except the Yoshke thing]. Amazing. Of course, there are many Christians whose viewpoints contradict what the very religion they purport to believe in. Like [one example of millions] Barack [Hussein] Obama. He is a believing, worshipping Muslim Christian but holds very non-Christian liberal views. There is an old Yiddish expression that says that as the Goyim do so the Jews follow. Jews who identify as Jews and at times even follow Jewish practices and claim to have Jewish beliefs but hold liberal viewpoints. 

Close to a hundred percent of academics are also lefties [this doesn't stop many Orthodox parents from sending their children to study under such people, but that is besides the point]. And so in Hollywood. Once there is a certain zeitgeist it is hard to fight it. Beware.....