Sunday, May 28, 2023

Full Service

You can live in a fancy, full service apartment building for fifty years. As long as you own an apartment and pay maintenance, you will be treated like royalty. "Yes sir," "Good morning, sir", "Can I carry your packages, sir" etc. etc. The MOMENT you sell your apartment - that's it. You go to the front door and they ask who you want to see. If you don't give a name they won't let you in. If you do - they will call upstairs and ask if it is alright to send you up. That is the way it goes. As long as you are a paying costumer - great. When it is over - it is over. 

In this world we are all the beneficiaries of an AMAZING "full service" world. We have the sun, the moon, oxygen galore, food, water, all the laws of nature that make our world so orderly etc. etc. As long as G-d grants us life here - we are preferred costumers. The moment it is over - it is over. The veritable fat lady [today called "the madame with weight loss issues"] has sung her laaaast niggun.

Mussar Haskel: CHAP AREIN!!!! CARPEI DIEM!!!! It is a short ride!!!! There are many wonderful opportunities to achieve personal greatness. Don't squander them.