Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Not Our Rebbe But Not Necessarily A Jew Hater/ My Flirtation With White Supremacism And Vanilla Al/ USA Has Been GOOD To The Jews/ Blond Ben?

One "kiruv website" features a writer who is a secular Jew who sports a big tattoo. There is no doubt that he is a leftist. Everybody in his field [Hollywood comedy] is. Where does the kiruv kick in? Beats me.

So he wrote an article about various anti semites we should know about. There are an endless number. But who is first on his list?: 

Tucker Carlson. Public Enemy Number One for the Left. What did he say that was anti semitic? He has been on air for probably thousands of hours. You should be able to come up with something juicy. 

OK. In 2019 he [allegedly] said that Jews were more loyal to Israel than to the US. Well, I am Jewish and I think and hope that this is true. It is certainly true about me. Why is that so bad? If he said it and meant it negatively then why does making a negative statement about Jews make you an anti semite? Blacks as a community are really bad at having stable families. 70 percent of black kids in the US grow up without two parents. Am I a racist? No. Just stating the facts. Black people will tell you the same things and black people don't hate blacks.... [When I was a child I leaned towards "White Supremacy". I STRONGLY preferred vanilla ice cream].  

A Jewish producer who worked for him and complained of anti semitism at Fox was not able to come up with ONE THING that Tucker said or did that would suggest that he is anti semitic. OTHER PEOPLE said things that were vaguely possibly anti semitic but not him. 

I am not here to defend Tucker. ההלכה בידוע שעשו שונא ליעקב. History has taught us that under the right conditions Goyim will as a whole hate Jews. That has been the case for 5000 years. It has been an AWESOME 100 plus years in the US for us. Jews, have by and large, been treated WONDERFULLY. Most Jews who interact on a daily basis with Gentiles will NEVER encounter anti semitism. If they do it is the exception rather than the rule. Jews have it better in the US than they have had it anywhere in history. But things can change very quickly [as we see by the sudden infusion of Woke ideology with all of the craziness it entails]. In the meantime we should feel three things: 1] Gratitude. 2] Gratitude. 3] Gratitude. 

My points: 

1] Kiruv websites shouldn't employ writers who are lefty-secularists. 

2] Tucker's ideas on many issues are aligned with ours. Like that he is pro Israel and sees our enemies for who they are. If he is a closet anti semite [which wouldn't surprise me] well then there are a LOT worse one's out there. I googled "Tucker Carlson anti semite" and came up with NOTHING.

3] It is OK to make negative statements about a group if the statements are true. The Neviim are replete with negative statements about the Jews and their behavior. The Neviim were NOT anti semitic. 

4] In the end - Tucker is not our Rebbe. Nor is Jordan Peterson or EVEN Big Ben Shapiro [who if he was blond and had a better voice and his name was Mordechai could be a famous Jewish singer]. Our Rabbeim are the Chofetz Chaim and Rav Moshe Feinstein and countless Tzadikim and Gedolim of yesteryear and the truly great people with us today. 

5] There are MUCH BETTER things to do with one's time than watch any news show. They are all slanted and have an agenda. Better "watch" your Gemara or Chumash. [I watch Tucker occasionally when I am in place where it is absolutely forbidden to learn Torah. והמבין יבין....]