Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Will To Be Great

 Advertisements make you poor [i.e. impoverish you]. How so?

Who is rich? השמח בחלקו - one who is happy with his lot. Advertisements say: "Don't be happy with what you already have. It is NOT enough. You NEED to buy this product to be truly happy." You need this vacation or this watch or this new gadget etc. etc. 

It is a lie that we all believe from time to time. To be happy you need to decide that you want to be a kind-holy-upright-sincere-honest-generous-warm-hearted-loving-giving-sensitive-person. That is your DEEPEST Ratzon. At THAT MOMENT you should be happy b/c at any given moment that is the minimum required of you - the WILL to be great. Then when opportunities to actualize this Ratzon present themselves, you SEIZE the opportunity.