I leave the house with little or no money in my pocket. If I don't have it - I don't spend it.... [If you use this method and carry a credit card, it won't work, so leave the credit card at home also]. Today I have to go to town and there are all these things I want to buy but I am planning on using this strategy once again. I trust that it will be effective once again.
Why am I telling you this???
Because it is a metaphor for many areas of life. We ALL have a yetzer hara that brings us down. The way to beat it is to make sure that it is not within arms reach.
Example: You like to watch TV but realize that it is a waste of perfectly valuable brain cells that can be used for much more useful endeavors. But it is hard to have a TV in front of your face and not to turn it on. If you don't have a TV around then it will be much easier to avoid watching.
Another example: You like ice cream but realize that you are
Last example: You are constantly checking your blackberry and phone for emails, texts and the like. You need some peace of mind. OK - this is going to be tough. Hold on.
Leave your devices at home when you have to go somewhere. No, chas vi-shalom! Not every time. Once in a while. You will find out something remarkable: Nothing will happen. No harm done. Just more menuchas hanefesh for you:-).
Try it and tell me what happens.
Love and blessings!