Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Making Hashem Real

Why do I post about Emunah in Hashem. It is safe to asume that just about everybody who comes to visit the blog believes in Hashem - right? 

Well - not so pashut. 

When Rav Yeruchem Levovitz was in the Mir he spoke a lot about Emunah. Rav Chatzkel Levenstein spoke about Emunah a great deal when he was mashgiach in Ponovitch. It is safe to assume that the students in Mir and Ponivitch were not atheists or even agnostics, so why "preach to the choir"? They were already convinced? 

The answer is that we all have a little apikorus festering within ourselves. That is why we waste time. That is why we daven without kavana sometimes. That is why we speak lashon hara. That is why we worry more about money than aveiros. That explains a WHOLE LOT. 

Yes, we profess to believe but our belief is not מוחשי - real and concrete. Nobody wants cancer and we would do anything to prevent it. Yet, the Torah tells us that speaking lashon hara is WORSE than cancer and yet we speak [and listen and read]. The lashon hara blogs get thousands of thousands of hits weeekly. From "Frum Jews". 

Jews fight with other Jews. How can we fight if we believe that it causes the שכינה tremendous צער. Yet, another Yom Kippur will pass and couples will continue to fight and even divorce. Shuls and schools will continue with the often dirty politics [I witnessed it first hand on many occaisions sadly] etc. etc. 

We say טוב לי תורת פיך מאלפי זהב וכסף but do we really think that learning a daf gemara is worth more than 50 million dollars? If we did then we would live in a constant state of joy because EVERY DAY we win the lottery [if we are קובע עתים]. 

I am not sure that anybody who believes with all of his heart and soul in Hashem can care about professional sports. How can he? Hashem clearly doesn't. How do we know? Because He TOLD US what he cares about. So how does cheering the Yankees on "shtim" with belief in G-d? Unless one believes that Hashem wants him to enjoy his leisure by watching baseball. 

Maybe. Maybe not. Everyone needs to "chill" but there is a difference between "chilling" and caring which guys wearing which uniforms scored more runs. 

So we need to CONSTANTLY talk about the existence of Hashem in order to make Him real as we think we are. We need to see Him in EVERYTHING we do, think, say, experience and feel. 

Can we?