“The world of books is the most remarkable creation of man. Nothing else that he builds ever lasts. Monuments fall; nations perish; civilizations grow old and die out; and, after an era of darkness, new races build others. But in the world of books are volumes that have seen this happen again and again, and yet live on, still young, still as fresh as the day they were written, still telling men’s hearts of the hearts of men centuries dead."
It is only with the help of my vast digital library that I am able to spread Torah to so many thousands both via the written word and orally [and learn properly on my own in my kollel of which I am the head and only member - keeps costs down and I LOVE the Rosh Kollel. He is EXACTLY like me]. It is time to expand my library for zikkui ha-rabbim. The update [5000 new sefarim] for the Otzar Hachochma is 740 shekel [about 210 dollars]. The Bar Ilan program [that I do not yet own. My wife studied there but no discounts for alumni:-)] is 1390 shekel [about 400 dollars]. I also want to update my computer....
So if you would like to have a share in the Torah of thousands of people weekly [including the shylos I answer with the help of the many sefarim at my disposal] or show your appreciation for the thousands of hours I put in for free [no advertisements or secret donors to the blog. When I dedicate every recorded shiur in people's merit they didn't pay for it. YU figured out that trick but I haven't. By me - it's all free - just because I love Yidden. And because I am a really poor fund raiser-:). Maybe now that Mr. Joel is out of a job I will hire him] in order to spread the light - then you can donate here.
This is what they call in the corporate world "passive income". You live you life, "do your own thing" and you don't realize that every second you are getting more and more and more merits for you and your family!! You give one time, you don't get annoying emails every 4 and half hours for the rest of your life asking you to give more and become an eternal partner in our WORLD WIDE Torah enterprise. You will reap the benefits in both worlds. It is a worthwhile investment. I wish I could so easily and inexpensively have a portion in SOOO much Torah and chizzuk in keeping mitzvos together with Yiras Shomayim and Ahavas Hashem.
I once again thank my beloved friends who sponsored previous editions of the digital library.
So - don't go to a partnership minyan - but be a partner in Torah!!! :-)
Bi-ahava rabba,