My nine year old daughter Chana Leiba [!!!!] who is clearly faaaar more emotionally mature than both men. And all but a few fourth graders who also surpass these men in emotional maturity.
It was just embarrassing. Two truly pathetic individuals and one of them will be the world's most powerful leader for the next four years. I am not talking about their politics. Just about their emotional capacity and sense of dignity. I think each one would have won the debate if he would have said to the other after being attacked: "I don't want to insult you. I want to compliment you on your positive qualities and accomplishments in life. I want the debate to focus purely on the issues and I will treat you with the respect you deserve." But no. Just mudslinging and contempt. הנעלבין ואינם עולבין שומעין חרפתן ואינם משיבים וכו' עליהם הכתוב אומר כצאת השמש בגבורתו.
Baruch Hashem they are just puppets and the Master Of The Universe will be running the country.