If you are bothered about your financial situation that would indicate that you don't have a terminal illness and a month or less to live.
Two insights:
1] We are bothered by money [a lesser source of distress] b/c we don't have that terminal illness [a greater source of distress]. So it is ironically the lack of REALLY serious problems that free us up to worry about and be bothered by lesser problems. Think about that next time you are worried about lesser problems.
2] If one has money for TODAY and is worried about the FUTURE then it is a fulfillment of the Gemara that says that if someone has bread today and worries about tomorrow, he is of small faith. But that is why we all worry about money [or at least most of us]. It is the future - not today. If one had a terminal illness then he wouldn't worry b/c he has no future here on the planet. So the eitza is to LIVE THE MOMENT! Who knows what will be??!!! ONLLLLLLLLY HASHEM and He has a plan. Worrying doesn't improve tomorrow and ruins today.