Rashi [Zvachim 91a] writes: מוספי ר"ח - מקודשין משל שבת דאיקרי מועד.
The Mussafim of Rosh Chodesh are holier than the Mussafim of Shabbos.
Could it be???
Rashi [Zvachim 91a] writes: מוספי ר"ח - מקודשין משל שבת דאיקרי מועד.
The Mussafim of Rosh Chodesh are holier than the Mussafim of Shabbos.
Could it be???
The word out on the street is that they will be selling phones that never die. Plus, every paying customer gets a dollar.
בר"ן ריש נדרים ב. מקשה לר' יוחנן דאמר בנויים לשון נכרים הם מ"ש דפריש הנך לישני דקונם קונח קונם טפי משאר לישני לימא הנודר בכל לשון נדרו נדר? ותירץ בשם החכם הגדול ר' יהודה ברבי חסדאי ז"ל דרבותא אשמעינן דלא מבעי בלשונות נכרים שהם לשונות גמורים שהנודר בהם נדרו נדר אלא שאפילו בלשונות שאינן גמורים כגון אלו דקונם קונח שהרי לשון הקודש הוא אלא שנשתבש וסד"א שהנודר בהן לא יהא נדר כיון שאינן לשון גמור בפני עצמו קמ"ל דכיון שהנכרים מדברים בהם אע"פ שאינו מעיקר לשונם אלא משיבוש שהוא בידם הרי הוא נדר גמור ויש הוכחה לפירוש זה בירושלמי עכ"ל.
I don't get it! If the Goyim use this language, what does it matter whether it is their language or לשון הקודש שנשתבש???
Big Yesod in psychology from Rav Bloch.....
I know that a lot of guys out there want to marry their shifcha. This shiur is for you.
What bothers me about the vaccine is that maybe it protects against Covid - but what about the other 80 million diseases that we are still prone to?? Like - vaccine against cancer, please. Vaccine against kidney failure. Vaccine against Parkinsons and Alzheimers.
Nothing doing.
The Good News!!
Gy-veh is an illness. Ty-veh is an illness. Kinah is an illness. Sinah is an illness. Laziness is an illness. Redifas Kavod [not to mention Covid] is an illness. Ahavas Mamon is an illness. TERRIBLE ILLNESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND THERE IS A VACCINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With no side effects!!!
Succah 7a: Migo And Havdala On Bread
The Nature Of The "Wall" of A Pesi Beraos
The 3 Walls of A Succah: Machlokes Rambam-Tur
The 3 Walls of A Succah: Da'as HaRambam - Part 2
Hekdesh Mafkia Midei Shibud - Part 2
Hekdesh Mafkia Midei Shibud - Part 3
Bava Basra 125/137: Shittas Baal Hamaor On "Nichosai Licha Viacharecha Liploni"
Rav Yosef was סיני [a בקי]. Rabbah was עוקר הרים [a חריף]. The Gemara [ברכות ס"ד] says that סיני is greater.
So why do we almost always pasken like Rabbah [except in 3 cases] over Rav Yosef??
People often confuse needs and wants.
"He/she NEEDS a car."
But I have never been in a situation when I "needed" a car. I don't drive. So man can go almost 50 years w/o a car and manage just fine. I understand that there are certain areas where one lives where it is almost impossible to get anywhere w/o a car but people choose to live in such places. I grew up in the city and we didn't own a car.
"He/she WANTS a car." Better.
"He/She NEEDS a phone".
But I remember a time not so long along when phones didn't exist. We all did just fine. Maybe even better. Many people are much happier when they are not with their phones. Billions of people manage w/o.
"He/She WANTS a phone." Better.
Most of the things we think we need - we really don't.
We NEED oxygen. We NEED basic food [in small amounts] and sleep.
Live more simply and be happier while focusing on what really matters.
כאשר הרב שך זצ"ל שהה בוילנא בשנת תרצ"ט עסק הג' רבי חיים עוזר זצ"ל בהדפסת החלק השלישי של ספרו אחיעזר. רבי חיים עוזר היה אז כבן שבעים ושבע הוא סיפר לרב שך כי חלק מן החידושים הכלולים בספר העומד לראות אור נכתבו על ידו לפני ששים שנה כשהיה בן שבע עשרה [!!!!].
תמה הרב שך הכיצד נשארו החידושים המופלאים טמונים בכתובים במשך כה הרבה שנים ולא ראו אור? מדוע לא הוציאם עד כה להאיר את עיני לומדי התורה?
חייך רבי חיים עוזר את חיוכו הטוב העדין ואמר ומה אעשה ולעוור לאלמנה ולעגונה וליתום היא מצוה גדולה יותר כי באותו זמן שבו יכול היה להוציא לאור את ספרו עזר לאלמנות וליתומים וכן את הזמן שהיה נחוץ לסדר ולההדיר את הספר ניצל למטרות צדקה וחסד ולא היה ביכלתו להדפיס את ספרו והוסיף כמתנצל. אכן "רוח היא באנוש" [איוב לב ח].
After 2000 years of bitter galus it is heartwarming to see our children enjoying themselves so much...
Rav Elya Lapian ztz"l once gave a shmooz to the boys and said that breakfast should last 15 minutes. 5 minutes for eating and 10 minutes for bentching. The boys started laughing. He couldn't understand what the laughter was about. He was dead serious.
For silver—the crucible, for gold—the furnace, And a man is tested by his praise.
Explains Rabbeinu Yonah: What is the measure of man? How do you know what the quality of a person is?
Listen carefully to whom he praises. If his heroes are entertainers or athletes that shows you what his value system is. If he praises Tzadikim, that shows you what he strives to be.
That is why it is so dangerous to venerate famous people who are by and large very very very far from what we want to be.
Adds the Rosh Yeshiva ztz"l: ה interchanges with ח. So we can read "איש לפי מחללו". A man is according to whom he denigrates. If has negative things to says about people who are immoral, evil, conniving, avaricious, rapacious, materialistic, hedonistic etc. etc. - that says a lot about him as well. That is why all leitzanus is forbidden except leitzanus of Avoda Zara. To belittle stupidity and evil [Avoda Zara is both] is PRAISEWORTHY!!
Chazal say that an Apikorus is someone who says מאי אהני לן רבנן - What do we need Torah scholars for? What good are they? This might mean that it is not b/c of what he says but what it reveals about his value system. If he denigrates Torah scholars it shows that he doesn't value Torah which is an expression of Hashem's will. That is enough to brand one an Apikorus and lose his portion in the world to come רח"ל.
In addition - praising great people has a causitive effect on a person in making him connect to that person's greatness. That is one reason we praise Hashem before we make requests. The way tfillah works is that when we daven, we become more elevated human beings which makes us worthy of having our prayers answered in the affirmative. We elevate ourselves by praising Hashem, showing Who we want to emulate. Then we make requests, showing that we know Who is in charge.
Conversely, praising evil people brings us closer to them. That is the meaning of the איסור of לא תחנם, as the Rambam [Avoda Zara 10-4] writes:
וכן אסור לספר בשבחן ואפילו לומר כמה נאה עובד כוכבים זה בצורתו קל וחומר שיספר בשבח מעשיו או שיחבב דבר מדבריהם שנאמר ולא תחנם לא יהיה להם חן בעיניך מפני שגורם להדבק עמו וללמוד ממעשיו הרעים
[This prohibition also] forbids speaking about [idolaters] in a praiseworthy manner. It is even forbidden to say, "Look how beautiful that idolater's body is." How much more so is it forbidden to praise their deeds or to hold their words dear, as [the phrase states]: "Do not be gracious with them." [This phrase can also be interpreted:] "Do not look at them graciously," for doing so will cause you to draw close to them and learn from their wicked behavior.That is what this and other similar articles are about.....
When the Gemara says [Succah 7a] ת"ר שתים כהלכתן ושלישית אפילו טפח is that the עיקר דין of the Mishna or a new Din?
I grew up enjoying the comedy of Jackie Mason. He was very funny and very Jewish. I connected to that b/c I love humor and SOME of my BEST friends are Jewish!!!
"It is easy to tell the difference between Jews and Gentiles. After the show, all the gentiles are saying 'Have a drink? Want a drink? Let's have a drink!' While all the Jews are saying 'Have you eaten yet? Want a piece of cake? Let's have some cake!"But I have grown up and come to realize that life is not a joke. Humor has its place [an important place I believe - see Taanis 22a] but the meaning of life transcends this planet.
"סוף דבר הכל נשמע את הא-להים ירא ואת מצוותיו שמור כי זה כל האדם".
The whole world was created for [Brachos 6] and the entire measure of man is - whether he feared [i.e. was constantly aware יראה-ראיה and in awe of] Hashem and kept mitzvos.
Chazal say [Pesachim 49] שנה ופירש יותר מכולן - someone who learned and stopped learning hates Talmidei Chachomim even more than עמי הארץ [who passionately hate them]. The Maharal explains:
ואמר שנה ופירש יותר מכולם, כי זה יותר חמרי מה שהיה לו התורה ופירש מן התורה, וזה מורה שהוא מתנגד אל השכלי לגמרי כיון שפירש, ולכך הוא יותר נוטה אל החומרי מן עם הארץ אשר לא רצה לקנות התורה, אבל זה בשביל החומרית שבו פורש מן התורה לכך הוא יותר קשה מהכל, ודבר זה מבואר:
Someone who abandoned Limmud HaTorah is the most opposed to spirituality as evidenced by the fact that he had it and willingly gave it up. He is even worse than an עם הארץ who never learned so he doesn't know what he is missing. Torah is not on his radar. But the שנה ופירש-nik had it and threw it away. THAT is the worst.
So it is not for me to judge. Hashem is the true דיין אמת and I don't want to be a דיין שקר. But I read all of these tributes to the great gadol Jackie M. and feel compelled to make it clear that he is a great example of who we DON'T respect, DON'T want to be and DON'T want our children to be. He learned Chullin and Yoreh Deah by Rav Moshe Feinstein. Received semicha. Served as a rabbi. And then threw it all away for the הבל הבל הבל הבל הבלים of show business. Unlike most of the assimilated Jews in show business - he knew better.
He stated in an interview that marriage is stupid. Why should I make all this money and then have to give half of it away to some woman??!! He brilliantly explained.
That was his narrative of marriage!!! You get married to get divorced and give your money away. Probably b/c just abt. everybody in show biz does just that.
He didn't want children. A bother. [He fathered a girl, denied his paternity but it was proven and he paid child support]. Life, for him, was abt. stardom. Abt. getting laughs at any cost [including using foul language]. Abt. fame and fortune. Why trouble himself with family obligations??
To his credit I will say that he was unabashedly Jewish and Pro-Israel. He told it like it was [as he saw it] and shunned political correctness. His accent was beautifully Jewish. He sounded like he JUST GOT OFF THE BOAT after years growing up in an Eastern European shtetl when in fact he grew up in NY City. He was told to take voice lessons to sound more American and less Jewish and refused. A critic for Time magazine wrote that, throughout his career, Mason spoke to audiences: "... with the Yiddish locutions of an immigrant who just completed a course in English. By mail". Love it! He threw Yiddish into his performances and wasn't embarrassed at what the Goyim [or Jews] might say. There is great value in being proudly Jewish and unfortunately a large percentage of famous Jews are not. Here is one example of this. He was.
I am not angry at him and bear no ill will. I am CERTAIN that deep down he was a sad and lonely soul, desperate for love, adulation and attention [like most if not all performers]. He had a yetzer hara like we all do and instead of fighting it, he just conceded defeat from the outset. That is a recipe for misery - of which he experienced much.
May the Neshama of Yaakov Moshe HaKohen Mazza have an aliyah and a tikkun in the zchus of making so many people laugh and any maasim tovim he did in his lifetime. לא ידח ממנו נידח. There is a tikkun for every Jewish Neshama and we hope and pray that he find his.
Quotable quotes
A Jew never laughs without looking at his wife for approval.
I've got a friend who is half-Jewish and half-Italian. If he can't buy it wholesale, he steals it!סוכה דף ה - אלא כפרת טפח מנלן וכו' צא ולמד מפחות שבכלים שנאמר ועשית לו מסגרת טפח סביב וכו' ונילף מכלים גופייהו תפסת מרובה לא. וכתב רש"ש ת"ל מלשון המקשה דפריך ע"ז ונילף מכלים גופייהו משמע דפחות שבכלים ר"ל הפחות והטפל לכלים עכ"ל.
Didn't think much of himself
A journalist once asked Rav Yoel why he doesn't become Rebbe.
Rav Yoel answered "why don't you..."
Detached from olam hazeh
Some people came to his house to learn from him and he wanted to give them some refreshments so he went to the fridge and took out three eggs and put it in front of them....
Tofasta Meruba Lo Tofasta - Tofasta Muat Tofasta
Tofasta Meruba Lo Tofasta - Tofasta Muat Tofasta - Part 2 Tosfos D"H Tofasta
Tofasta Meruba Lo Tofasta - Tofasta Muat Tofasta - Part 3
Tofasta Meruba Lo Tofasta - Tofasta Muat Tofasta - Part 4
Incredible how much there is to say about the rule of תפשת מרובה לא תפשת תפשת מועט תפשת!!:-)Shmiras Hamitzvos Vs. Asiyas Hamitzvos [Parshas Eikev]