יה"ר שלא אכשל בלשוני ובקולמוסי ודברי יביאו תועלת ויוסיפו אור ויהיו לנחת רוח לפני בורא כל העולמים!!!!
Prophecy In Israel
I received an email from a friend with a link to the story about the popular author who is accused of committing horrible crimes of impurity against Halacha and li-havdil secular law. He asked if I think this man's books should be removed from his house.
I read the article and then started reading the comments and learned something new. There is PROPHECY in Israel!!!! BARUCH HASHEM!!!!! There are so many people who *know* that this man is innocent. WOW!! How are they privy to such information??? Would they allow their wives or teenage daughters to go to him for "therapy"? [If the answer is "yes" then they are the one's who need therapy b/c they are MESHUGGAAAA!!!].
Here is Rav Shmuel Eliyahu, the son of Rav Mordechai ztz"l and Rav of Tzfat:
לא הסקנו מסקנה רק על סמך מה שכתוב בעיתון. אנחנו קיבלנו עדויות מאוד חמורות מאנשים ונשים שנפגעו.
ראינו גם פסקי בית דין שהתייחסו למעורבות המאוד נוראה שלו במשפחות. בוא נאמר את זה במילים מפורשות - יש משפחות שהתפרקו בגלל שהוא עשה מעשים אסורים עם האישה והרס את המשפחה. בפסקי הדין כתוב שהאישה אסורה לבעלה ואסורה לנואף - [שמו המלא]. זה דברים שבאו לפני בית דין והתבררו".
"האדם הזה יש לו חזות חיצונית של אדם ירא שמים וטוב ואיש חינוך וכו', אבל זה רק מעטפת חיצונית", הוסיף. "בפנים הבן אדם הזה הוא מסוכן לחברה, ממש מסוכן, מהסוג של שיינברג, ברלנד, משי זהב. אנשים שעושים נזקים".
"לכן אני חושב שאסור להיות קרוב לשום דבר שלו", ציין. "צריך להוקיע אנשים כאלה מהחברה ואי אפשר להוקיע אדם כשאתה לומד בספר שלו. כשאתה קורא בספר זה כאילו אתה אומר 'הוא לגיטימי'. הוא לא לגיטימי. אין לנו כציבור שום לגיטימיות לאנשים שפוגעים בנשים, שפוגעים בנערות, שפוגעים בילדים. במיוחד שבמקום לחפש דרך תשובה הוא מכחיש ומשקר".
"הדברים מאוד ברורים", אמר. "זה לא על סמך כתבה בעיתון הארץ. זה על סמך הרבה מאוד עדויות, מסמכים, תמלילים, פרוטוקולים של בתי הדין. תמונות, הקלטות. דברים חד משמעיים".
"זה עצמו שאנחנו מוקיעים אותו, זה עצמו 'את רוח הטומאה אעביר מהארץ'. בזה שאנחנו מוקיעים אנשים כאלה ומסלקים אותם מעמדות הכוח שלהם, אומרים תזהרו מהאדם הזה. בזה עצמו אנחנו שותפים בגאולה שאומרת את רוח הטומאה אעביר מהארץ. בזה מעבירים את רוח הטומאה".
So it is not just the Anti-Semitic rag "Haaretz" but li-havdil a Beis Din that received and believed many testimonies based on pictures, recordings etc. etc.
So why bury one's head in the sand and insist that he is innocent?? Some humility maybe?? At best - "innocent until proven guilty". Problem is that unless Rav Eliyahu is lying [and all of his many accusers] - then he has been proven guilty.
People have a psychological barrier believing that someone so good can be so bad but that is the reality. Some of the best people around are sick monsters. Human beings are complex. I am not such a good guy but I am also not a monster. Somewhere in the middle. Like most of us. Some people are exceptionally good but also have a side to them that is sinister. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He writes with such sensitivity and at the same time he is so insensitive to the pain of others. Hard to believe. But true.
We have to deal with it. So is the unfortunate reality of life. Sad but true.
But this is Lashon Hara, people cry!!!! Fire!!!!
Well, if there is benefit - תועלת - it is not Lashon Hara. It is Lashon Tova b/c it helps cleanse our society of spiritual cancers. Now we can remove his treif books from our homes and no woman will ever go near him again. This is not Lashon Hara.
It is also not Lashon Hara b/c there is no איסור לשון הרע about רשעים and the Beis Din proclaimed him to be one. It is Lashon TOVA to denounce רשעים.
Furthermore, if we insist on not believing people who claim they were abused, this will discourage people from coming forward which will allow the abuse to perpetuate. THAT is dangerous. Of course we don't destroy someone just b/c claims and accusations are made against him but they must be investigated.
Ways To Avoid Lashon Hara
I find it odd that people comment on news websites that the story is Lashon Hara. It is like going to a znus site and commenting that this is znus. Like - what are you doing there in the first place???!! You want to avoid Lashon Hara? Don't go to [even "frum"] news sites and blogs that are FILLED with it!!! הגדיל לעשות one fellow who has a blog with a picture of himself with a black hat and beard with a declaration of no Lashon Hara while his site is FULL of Lashon Hara and ביזוי גדולי ישראל. And he is getting 10 thousand plus hits a week from OUR PEOPLE. No נכרי from Kentucky cares if Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky's get is valid or not. It is OUR PEOPLE who flock to Lashon Hara sites. But it is OK b/c they comment in the comments section that this is Lashon Hara.... [In my house there are no newspapers and if it were up to me there would be no magazines either, including the Charedi one's... It is not only Lashon Hara but a problem of Bittul Torah, Bittul Zman, ideas that are foreign to Torah and other issues upon which I will not elaborate here. Of course there is a lot of positive as well. I just wish that the Minchas Chinuch or other sefarim would be NEARLY as popular as frum glossy magazines. But they aren't].
Sense of Smell
Numerous Rabbonim Chashuvim already came out against his books YEARS AGO. I must give them credit. They smelled the rat.
The Lesson For Us
Be mischazeik in Kedusha. Disable images from your computer [except for choice sites that you know are free of immodest images]. Stop going to sites that aren't pure of Arayos and Lashon Hara. Torahanytime is pure. Kolhalashon is pure. Yutorah is pure. [Although there are Hashkafic statements on every site that one is allowed to and should disagree with. Be careful of the shiurim of a guy named ("Sally"?) "Ehrman". He wears a black hat and *looks* really Charedi but I have inside info that he reads the writings of the Zionist Rav Kook, the Mizrachi-ite Rav Amiel and the Modern Orthodox leader Rav Soloveitchik of Boston רח"ל. He has even read many secular books and articles which make him more treif. Not only that - but he is a recovering Mets and Jimmy Connors fan. ה' ירחם. I am telling you לתועלת so that you should be careful!!!😂😂]. This man trampled over people, destroyed marriages and violated every standard of Kedusha. So we must FIGHT BACK by being holier. The issue is NOT whether women's pictures should appear in Charedi publications but how we can live lives of elevated Kedusha in this world that is more פרוץ, promiscuous, licentious and immodest than ever since the beginning of time.
The way to combat חילול השם is by making a קידוש השם. And THAT is within the capacity of each and every one of us.