Tuesday, November 16, 2021


John Mordechai Gottman is the Gadol Hadol in marriage counseling [he wears a big Yarmulke and has a beard like other Gedolei Hador but that is where the similarities more or less end:-)]. He can predict with 94 percent accuracy if a couple will divorce. 

One of the tell tale signs is if there is DISDAIN between the couple. This is expressed when they ROLL THEIR EYES at something the partner said or did. 

About 10 years ago I was at someone's house for Shabbos and at one point the wife said something and the husband rolled his eyes. I never forgot that eye roll [even though I don't think that I knew Gottman's chiddush at the time]. 

Today I found out that they got divorced.

 [The husband is remarried - but I am behind the times]. 

Mussar Haskel: Respect your partner.