Sunday, March 2, 2025

Jewish Students Prevented From Attending Class At Columbia

In the last 1.5 years, there is no one video that better encapsulates the experience of American Jewish students on college campuses than this; please share:

Meet Jonathan.

In the Spring, Jonathan had his Israeli and American flag stolen by fellow students at Columbia University.

Last month, Jonathan was punched in the face by another pro-Palestinian masked classmate on campus.

Today, Jonathan was barred from entering class as masked vandals rioted inside the building, calling for an intifada.

Of the dozens of masked vandals, all were allowed to peacefully exit at 10:30, facing zero disciplinary consequences.

Jonathan has had his property stolen, been physically assaulted, and denied entry to class. 

Jewish American students across the country are united in our call:


Until that is met, we are asking for 3 things:

1. Americans of all political and religious stripes to publicly stop donating to the Ivy Leagues

2. The federal government to  withhold most federal funding from antisemitic college campuses like Columbia and Harvard

3. Mask bans at all protests on campuses 


This is serious. 

On a lighter note - I NEVER wanted to go to class. If I were Jonathan, I'd be like - period off!:-):-) Helllooooo BEEEEEEEDDDDD!! Or BASKETBALL!!!



All kidding aside: To all the "Jonathan's" out there in the galus of secular colleges - come home. Those are not the places for you. They never were - despite maybe being educated at places like Ramaz and SAR that poison student's minds for only 43K and 37K respectively a year!!!! that Ivy League is the pinnacle of success.  

Your attendance at these schools is a failure of your Jewish education.