Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Chazal say that the Jews were told in Egypt "Take the Korban Pesach and get rid of your idols". So now we, too, can do the same this Pesach.

What is the Avoda Zara of our day and age? Money and education. And people think education is so important is only because it is a means to earning money.

So it comes down to money. People LIVE for money. It is MUCH more important than G-d. They might not admit it but they live their lives that way. I have witnessed people sacrificing G-d for money on countless occasions.

Sweetest friends!!! I know a few VERY wealthy people who miraculously don't seem to care about money. Every time I talk to them all they seem interested in is the Nesivos Shalom or the Tanya or doing chesed.

I LOVE people like that. They are true iconoclasts.