Sweetest friends! With regard to the last post, I received a communication from one of my Rabbeim who read it and said that I set the bar too high. Who has ALL of those qualities - and some I didn't even list?! Very few!! So the answer is to find someone who has a many as possible [much like we have a list of qualities we look for in a spouse and realize that he/she will not have all of them, so we try to find someone with as many as possible].
Also, one can have numerous Rabbeim. One for Halachic questions, one for advice, one for hashkafic questions etc. Also, some are not so accessible so the wider base we have, the more likely we are to find an answer to our spiritual dilemmas.
Another point. Having a Rebbe doesn't absolve a person of the obligation to think for himself. One doesn't ask the Rebbe EVERYTHING or even most things, so we still much use the intellect that Hashem gave us on a daily, minute to minute basis. Also, the Rebbe can't daven instead of us, or learn the Tosphos on our behalf etc. Furthermore, we must use our sechel in choosing the right Rebbe in the first place. This is not an easy choice.
I also received an email from somebody who claimed that I am his Rebbe. This was clearly a case of mistaken identity [TWICE IN ONE MONTH!]. But I do thank him for his VERY kind heartwarming words. Y.D.B.D. Hakohen - I love you too!! HAMEVARECH ES AMO YISRAEL - BI-A-H-A-V-A!!!!